Friday, March 27, 2020

You Can Stay Home, You Are Resilient, Help Is Coming

When you stay home, you are helping to save someone's life - you just don't know whose. I'm looking at everyone whose job is not directly involved in sustaining human life. Small and large business-owners selling random things to distract us, neighborhood and chain restaurants, online boutiques, colleagues who believe their touch is medically necessary, people who are waiting for the government to force them to stay home. Please stop working for the good of us all. 
Humans are resilient and can recover from a lot, even self-destructive behavior. It will be over sooner if we all join the struggle together. I'm a self-employed bodyworker. I have skin in this fight. I can empathize with those who think working is better than the alternative (it's not), but I don't have a choice. I'm at your mercy to get this thing shut down.
Once you acknowledge that truth, it's going to get harder. The first thing we need to accomplish is putting on our own "oxygen mask." I've seen too many people skip this step entirely. ("I'm going to work now I'm working from home. Same thing, right?" Nope.) The sooner you attend to that, the sooner you can be a resource and example for the people in your life.
Take a day or two (or five) to disconnect from the world and get in touch with your fear. (If you need support with that, find someone who has their own mask on already.) Prepare for a metaphorical marathon. Eat, drink, rest - whatever your body craves (that you already have at home).
The storm will still be raging when you emerge. But you will be better equipped to be a strong resource for others and to find creative ways to have your own needs met.
My oxygen is flowing. How can I help?

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